Life Coaching

What is Life Coaching

Life coaching is a widely misunderstood approach. By some considered a modern form of counselling, by others an expensive agony aunt and by many a bi-product of American’s attitude to chasing the proverbial dream. The truth couldn’t be more different. Life coaching has grown to be a hugely successful form of talking therapy, to the extent that it has helped turn people’s lives around.

A Key Aspect of Life Coaching is Confidence Often people that use a life coach are short of self- confidence and find themselves in a routine or rut that lacks enjoyment or excitement. Their self-worth is low or the challenge facing them too high. A life coach essentially seeks to reinstall an individual’s faltering confidence and ensure they have it within themselves to live up to their potential.

Life Coaching really helps.

A life coach is someone that looks to empower others by helping them make, meet and exceed goals in both their personal and professional lives. Life coaching can help with virtually any aspect of someone’s life, whether it is in their personal or professional life. Hiring a life coach for personal difficulties has become a huge market and is continuing to grow. Most often a life coach’s services are required for family coaching or help with a relationship. With over a third of all marriages in the UK ending in divorce, more and more people are turning to a life coach in an attempt to save their relationship.

The stress of work coupled with financial worries mean young couples have less time for each other and this heavily impacts upon their home life and in turn causes strain in a relationship. As a result, the demand for relationship coaching has risen exponentially over the last decade.

There are many other reasons why people seek the services of a life coach for personal endeavours. These vary from a lack of motivation to exercise, help taking up a new hobby or indeed improving at an existing hobby, and having someone to consult before taking a gap year or year abroad.